Elise Ballard is a girl on the go, so her family wanted to get her a tricycle she could call her own. Working with their case manger Elise's mom, Kelly, contacted Variety to see what all was involved with getting an adaptive trike. Through submitting a little paperwork and getting quotes from the bike manufacturer, they were able to secure Elise's trike.
When Elise was presented her trike, her first ride was memorable for her family. She immediately found and rang the bell. As she started peddling, she began laughing and smiling. Her excitement only grew as she felt the breeze on her face as she sped down the small hill in front of their house.
Before receiving her trike, Elise would run beside her younger sister, Abby, as she peddled around the neighborhood. Now, the girls can play together. Because of her trike, Elise has made huge improvements on her flexibly, speed, and strength. It has also allowed the Ballards to ride together for a fun family activity. They love that it is easier to get outside and be apart of the community they live in.
When Elise isn't busy riding with her sister and friends, she attends all day kindergarden where her favorite subjects are music and reading. She also enjoys dressing up, playing games, and playing with her dolls and train set. Variety the Children's Charity of Kansas City is so honored we could assist Elise and her family with their trike. There's nothing better than helping kids gain mobility and confidence!
View Elise's first ride!