Tuesday, November 15, 2011

What Variety Means To Me

In the past few weeks as we have ramped up for our Variety Show at the Midland Theater set for February, 25th we have had a number of people ask us what Variety really is. So recently we set a meeting up with one of our committees to find out what variety means to them. I have compiled some of the responses that we received during that meeting and I wanted to share them with our readers.

"An opportunity to give children something that every child deserves: mobility"
"A great way to help"
"Incredible passion"
"A reminder of our everyday privileges we take for granted"

If you do not know what Variety of Greater Kansas City does, now is a greater time than ever to find out! Come to our happy hour this Thursday from 5 p.m. - 7 p.m. at Blanc Burgers + Bottles (106th St. and Mission Rd) for a chance to talk with board members and volunteers about how to get involved.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Colins new BIKE!

First, let me say THANK YOU a MILLION TIMES for the bike! Colin LOVES it!! I have attached a few pictures of him on it and would love to get you some video but I can’t get it to email from my phone. I will take some video this weekend with our flip camera and see if I can send it to you. Another option…if Variety KC has a Facebook Page I would be happy to tag you in my photo upload so it shows up on your page.

Monday, October 31, 2011

A "Special" Gift this Halloween

This Halloween, there's no need to put on a silly costume or go knocking on doors. That's because Variety Children's Charity will be delivering its treat to Kansas City kids!
On Thursday, November 3rd, Variety Children's Charity will be donating a new adaptive bicycle to students at Kansas State School for the Blind. There are about 50 kids enrolled on a daily basis at the school. The majority of these students will be able to enjoy the bike from Freedom Concepts. "Children with varying degrees of visual impairments, including the totally blind, will be able to use this bike safely due to the rear steering mechanism. In addition, the bike is able to be modified to fit all children with varying degrees of physical ability. Our students are gonna love their new bike!" says Christy Bowen with Kansas State School for the Blind.

Variety Children's Charity is a volunteer based organization that's dedicated to helping Kansas City kids with mobility issues. We raise money in creative and fun ways. Then we use that money to buy wheelchairs, adaptive bikes and tricycles, and walkers. Most of our kids' families have insurance, but the expensive equipment they need to be a kid isn't always covered.

Please join us as we help some very special Kansas City kids enjoy a bike ride!

Who: Variety Children's Charity
What: We're donating an adaptive bike to students at Kansas State School for the Blind
When: Thursday, November 3, at 9:00 am – 9:30 am
Where: Kansas State School for the Blind, 1100 State Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66210 , in the gym
Why: Because all kids deserve to have fun!
Parking: Park in the lot with the flag pole. Enter the main building (the one on your right as you enter that lot) and sign in at the principal's office.

For more information, contact Variety's Executive Director Deb Wiebrecht at 913.558.2309

Friday, October 14, 2011

Row Host Party

Last night was the Row Host Party for the 2012 Variety Show to be held on February 25th at the Midland Theater in Downtown Kansas City. The event was a major success and would not have been possible without Hart Associates who donated their beautiful event space (1824 Walnut) and provided the wine for the event! Also, a thank you to United Beverage for the beer and Hy-Vee for the food! So amazing! We are truly thankful for their contributions!

The best part of the evening was the performances offer by Vocalocity!
Vocalocity is the first show choir of its kind in the Kansas City metropolitan area, with no ties to any particular school or school district. Instead, the performers come together from all over the city to create a place where kids who love to sing, dance and act can shine! They performed Viva La Vida by Coldplay, Open Arms by Journey, and Africa by Toto!

The event brought in 7 Row Hosts and 4 Table Donors. Which is $5,300 donated to Variety of Greater Kansas City in 1 night!

If you are interested in becoming a Row Host ($300 or $50 per ticket with a party of 6) or a Table Donor ($800 or $100 per ticket with a party of 8) please contact Deborah Wiebrecht at (913) 558-2309.

"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving"

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Deborah Wiebrecht

Deborah Wiebrecht: Sep 7, 2011 5:23pm
Catie riding her tricycle in the culdesac! What a blessing!
Length: ‎0:35

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Thank you note from grateful family....

I just wanted to take a moment to let you and everyone involved, to know how much all of this means to my family and I. I cannot tell you how amazing it feels just to know that Bridget will soon be able to ride a bike around the neighborhood with her friends, cousins, and Mom and Dad. It is something that we once believed would never be possible but thanks to people, such as yourselves, dreams do indeed come true. We cannot put into words just how wonderful and amazing this all has made us feel. I am truly at a loss for words and I can honestly say that doesn't happen often at all!

I have always considered Bridget an angel from heaven who has just been separated from her wings here on earth. What you all have done has put her a step closer to flying. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts and God keep and bless you all!

All our Love & Gratitude,

Darrell, Christina & Bridget

Sunday, July 3, 2011

A Triple Threat!

I'm declaring a triple threat!

Hello Readers, it's your dear friend Leslie with an update to our February 2012 Variety Show. Have you purchased your tickets?

Oh, don't lie to me. I know you haven't... since they're not available yet. At least tell me you've circled the date on your calendar.

This morning I had a meeting with our Variety Show's Artistic Directors. (If they... or executive director Deb Wiebrecht... are reading this I want to apologize for being late. I had all intentions of being on time. Really. But babies. Well, one baby, can change everything).

Anywho... I am declaring Michael Grayman and Andrew Parkhurst our triple threat. Usually that would mean they can act, sing and dance (which they can)... but today I was struck by three other aspects of the duo. They're TALENTED, GENEROUS, and CARING. The men recently started one of Kansas City's most exciting theatre companies-- Spinning Tree Theatre-- and both have a long list of professional theatre credits. And I have to say... they make me laugh (which, as the CEO of the imaginary fortune 500 company-- Leslie Inc.-- is a must on all job applications!).

This morning we went over some show concepts. Right now we're focused on getting some of Kansas City's best known citizens to take the stage in February. But I have to say I already feel like our cast of behind-the-scenes volunteers and talent is deserves a standing ovation. 

Cheers, Leslie

See for yourself....

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Variety Show Blog by Leslie...Emmy Award Winning Writer....Take 1!

Hello America! Wait, this isn't going national?

Well then, hello Kansas City! Welcome to Leslie's First Variety Blog. (You'd think someone asked to author their very own blog would be creative enough to come up with a more original title... but I've got nothing. If you have suggestions, I'm happy to take them.)

So let me do a quick introduction: I'm Leslie Carto. I've been on Variety's board since the fall. I've been a full time mom since August 2nd, when my darling son Will was born. Before Will came calling, I was an reporter at Fox 4. I guess once this hits the internet I can add "blogger" to my resume.

I can't say I'm a huge blog reader-- except for one guilty pleasure: Jay Mohr's blog about The Real Housewives of New Jersey.  Oh, how it makes me giggle. Okay, back to task ('cause Will's nap isn't going to last all afternoon!).

So besides being on Variety's Board... I've also signed up to be the co-chairman of our BIG (that's right, in caps, big) fundraising event: our February 2012 Variety Show. We're hoping to mix up some familiar faces -- and some well known Kansas City talent-- to create a fantastic night at the Midland Theatre. My co-chairman is the excellently organized Mark Moberly-- a founding member of Young Variety. And Mark is great... but Mark is also efficient, and smart, and did I mention organized? Which can make me look a bit, um, scattered. But have faith... I'm getting my act together. And this blog is just the start.

To pull off an event of this magnitude... the team (so far that's mainly Mark, Variety Executive Director Deb Wiebrecht, and me) is working with Michael Lintecum and Josh Strodtman of the Lintecum Group. Every other Wednesday we hold a Dining Room meeting (another fabulously creative title based on the fact we meet in my dining room).

Here's where I admit the meeting started with disappointment. Yesterday Mark asked if I'd be baking more of my famous (i.e. cheap and easy Jiffy) corn muffins. It takes about 50-cents and 20 minutes to whip up a batch. So sure, I should have make some. But... I didn't. I have no idea where the time goes in the evening--- and there wasn't even a Real Housewives on to distract me. 

Back to the meeting: This morning we planned the details of Monday's Committee Casting Call meeting. That's the meeting we want YOU to attend. It's Monday, June 27 from 4:00-5:30 at Wilks Broadcasting in Westport. It's a chance to learn more about our Variety Show and how you can help make it super duper awesome! (And, if you noticed, it lets out at the perfect time to celebrate Happy Hour-- since you'll already be across the street from Harry's.)

Hope I can see you at our Committee Casting Call! Cheers, Leslie

One more note: a very special thanks to Deb's Daughter- Sommer- who watches Will during our Dining Room meetings. Without Sommer it'd be impossible. Thank You, Sommer!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Young Variety Bike Bonanza

Braxton's Van Modifications

Young Variety Hemline Fashion

Sam's New Wheelchair

Donate for Doughnuts

Variety's Oscar Night® America

Young Variety Auto Show Happy Hour

Variety at KC Auto Show

Variety Royals with Bruce Chen

Variety Royals with Bruce Chen

Variety at Prairie Star

Variety HyVee Golf Scramble

Team Hoyt Video

Our Master Videographer, Mike Varel flew to Maine to meet Team Hoyt...He had a magical weekend with the family and brought back some amazing footage from a remarkable family. Today we filmed our local touch with Max and Danielle. Mike worked so hard to make a meaningful...and touching video to show the importance of freedom and mobility...Can't wait to share it with everyone!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Dick Hoyt

Ironic...Dick Hoyt's Birthday and I was given  gifts.
Mike Varel came back from visiting the Hoyts's in Maine and brought me gifts...A Team Hoyt Tshirt and a signed book by Dick and Rick..To Deb...Keep up all your good work...Yes I CAN.

Wow! What an amazing treat. I will wear the t-shirt when I am feeling like I can't...and always remember..YES I CAN!
Thank you Team Hoyt and Mike..."Variety's best friend!."

I am blessed beyond words.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Be in the Audience

Be in the Audience: "Reservations for The Doctors are available for FREE by phone and by e-mail.

Come see Dr. Travis Stork, Dr. Lisa Masterson, Dr. Jim Sears, Dr. Drew Ordon and new co-host Jillian Michaels, with tapings for Season 4 starting in August 2011! Click here for tickets!

The show tapes in: Hollywood, California

We will contact you to set up your reservations for Season 4. Please do not send multiple requests.

Please note: You must speak with a member of our audience department in order to confirm your reservation. Reservations are NOT guaranteed due to possible schedule changes.

Advanced Reservations

Come watch a live taping of The Doctors!

• Calling all groups.

• Click here for tickets!

(Fill out the form, and someone will call you to confirm a date.)

*Please note: All guests are subject to change.

E-mail Reservations
You may request reservations by e-mailing us. When tickets are available"

One Good Deed...Deserves.....

When you give...you receive. That is the lesson I experience over and over again.....with Variety children's Charity.
Our board of directors approved an adaptive bike to be gifted to the Blue Valley School Disrtict special needs division.
Click to view:

We are so glad to be able to assist this special group of kid's that need the same opportunities as all kids.
The joy on their faces and spirit in thier skips was powerfull. They watched patiently as each child had a turn on the new bike. Many joined hands and skipped and cheered their fellow students ride down the halls.  TV 4 and the Kansas City Star both came to see this partnership. School's are in dire need of funding and this wonderful group of kids should not have to suffer because of budget cuts. Variety was pleased to be  able to assist in a small way.

Friday, May 13, 2011

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Bike Bonanza 2011

YV Vice President, Tim McCoy will be on TV4 at 9:00am tomorrow morning to talk about our 2nd Annual Bike Bonanza this Saturday at area HyVee stores...He will be interviewed by Variety's Newest Friend...Stefan Chase! Such an exciting year for us to partner with the Kansas City, MO School district and use an empty school for for bike storage. Then Young Variety will give 2 bikes to each  elementary school to use as a good behavior reward.  We are also partnering with a high risk student population to have them volunteer and take some of the bikes to a workshop and learn how to rebuild and repair bikes to give them a life skill and keep them engaged and occupied.

What started out as a  thought has blossomed into a reward program for all! Thank you to everyone who has brought the missing pieces together, A huge thank you to Theresa at Blue Cross/ Blue Shield for offering to purchase helmet's for each bike we give away

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

YouTube - Team Hoyt

YouTube - Team Hoyt: "Can_World's_Strogest__Father"

I believe in  miracles.... of friendship...energy and good will! Young Variety member, Karen  thought of reaching out to this amazing family to share the importance of mobility to Kansas City....Miracles happen...Team Hoyt has a heart of gold...in helping families with kids in need of mobility! They not only will help us spread the word...but have invited Variety to be a part of this miracle...in order to help others. Thank you Team Hoyt...you will never know how much you mean to us in Kansas City!

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Cant even believe we have an opportunity to meet Rick and Dick...Yes I can!

Bike Bonanza 2011....

Kick off for 5K...at the K

Mr. Bruce Chen met 17 Variety kids at the K to act in our Variety Royals 5K commercial yesterday...
He was so sweet and a little nervous...but handled the situation with class...The kids loved him..They also little Slugger, and the Little hot dogs... Variety is the recipient of the 5K this year..on Sunday August 28th, 2011....What an honor...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Join us for the Fun...SNK PEEK at the KC Auto Show Happy Hour


The Auto Show Sneak Peek Happy Hour

Press Release

(February 17, 2011) Kansas City's most fun young professionals are revving up our engines to help Kansas City kids!

Young Variety wants to take you on a wild ride... inside the 2011 Kansas City Auto Show.  We've planned a Sneak Peek Happy Hour on Wednesday, March 2nd -- and even if you don't know a fan belt from a spark plug…you'll want to be there!

The party fires up at 5pm with Kansas City’s DJ Eric Coomes spinning beats on “The Bridge” at Bartle Hall until 8pm.  Just buy a $15 Young Variety ticket at the door (no pre-sale this time…sorry to our over-organized peeps).  Your Young Variety ticket grants you access to The Auto Show showroom floor, our Young Variety Happy Hour on “The Bridge”, and puts three drink tickets (beer and wine) in your hand.

We're confident that's all you need to know to set your GPS to Bartle Hall on Wednesday night.  If not... we'll remind you all the money Young Variety raises helps Kansas City kids get their own set of wheels: adaptive wheelchairs and bicycles that can make their lives much easier….and we don't like to toot our own horns, but last year we raised nearly $20,000 for KC-area kids!

And if a party wasn’t enough, on Saturday, March 5th at 2pm on The Auto Show main stage, the Auto Dealers Association will present Variety with two adaptive bicycles. These hot wheels are worth about $3,500 each... but priceless to the kids who'll get to be just like their friends.

So hop in, buckle up and get ready for another fun night with Young Variety!

Who:      Young Variety of Kansas City

What:     Kansas City Auto Show Sneak Peek Happy Hour

When:   Wednesday, March 2nd from 5-8pm

Where: “The Bridge” at Bartle Hall…connected to showroom floor

Tickets:  $15 --- on-sale only at The Auto Show Box Office the night of event

Why:      To raise cash for adaptive wheelchairs and bicycles for Kansas City kids

Media Contact:
Deb Wiebrecht, Variety KC Executive Director

Auto Show SNK PEEK happy hour tomorrow....


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Silent Auction Growing

Oscar Night America is next week...we are busy collecting wonderful Silent Auction items to have available to raise more funds for kids in need.

Lamar Outdoor donated a free week of a Digital Billboard....Leslie Carto from the Variety Board of Directors is busy calling everyone she knows and collecting amazing one of a kind donations.

At the post office yesterday and was surprised to have a large box waiting for me from Jillian Michael's...It was filled with books, tapes and pictures for us to use to raise more money for our cause.

The amount of generosity that lies in people is is so comforting...some people just get it...That giving to others is the most powerful gift you could give to yourself....

So excited for our fundraiser...Thanks to all who give!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Radio blitz...Alice 102 and Q104

The infamous Kathy Quinn interviewed me today about Variety and all the wonderful events we have around town...We are have the most amazing adventures lined up for Variety and Young Variety...Oscar Night America...Auto Show....Bike Drive...Royals 5K...Kathy really let us share our mission and goals with the listening audience..We thank her for her support and encouragement...Will she really have a Kathy Quinn Team for the 5K....Let's plan on it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Heard from Katie and Billy Butler from Spring Training Camp. They were kind enough to send an autographed baseball to our little Noah for a special surprise. They loved the video of the event and asked if they could maybe be involved when they return to Kansas City.

Met with Young Variety...Ashley Matheny. She broke all the records and goals for the Young Variety Beer for Bikes event. 100% over budget. I am in awe that these talented young people have such big and kind hearts towards giving.

A huge thank you to Blue Cross and Blue Shields  for sponsoring Oscar Night America....What a special treat to have their support!

What a day to celebrate all the love in people's HEARTS!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Drew 6 to perform at Variety's Oscar Night America

We are pleased to announce....Drew 6 will perform LIVE at Variety's Oscar Night America. Our 17th Annual Signature Fundraising Event....highlighting the telecast of the Oscar's on the big AMC Movie Screen.

What a way to start the evening...best singing talent in town!
Buy your tickets now at http://www.varietykc.org/! $75 per person/$125 for two!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Billy Butler Makes Dreams Come True..

Young Variety Celebrated their First Anniversary this morning..And we also gave a check to Noah's family to help pay for his really cool wheelchair. We like to make a check presentation extra special for the child.....We found out Noah LOVES the Royals and Billy Butler...So Royals sent some tickets for the family to attend a game this summer. And Billy Butler sent a signed Baseball from Spring Training...just for Noah. It was signed:

 To Noah...Play Hard,,,, Work Hard.... Billy Butler.
What a nice thing to do....!

Local charity teams up with Krispy Kreme to raise dough for their cause - NBCActionNews.com - Kansas City

Local charity teams up with Krispy Kreme to raise dough for their cause - NBCActionNews.com - Kansas City

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Demetrius Day!

Today was a GREAT day for Demetrius and his family...Variety Children's Charity was able to provide a ramp for the families van. Demetrius is a 15 year old young man that has permanent disabilities and is confined to a wheelchair. And at his age, he is too heavy for his family to lift in to the van every time they need to leave the house. This van ramp will allow Demetrius to feel independent and secure. We are so please to be able  to assist this sweet family.  http://www.varietykc.org/

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

And the winner is....

The announcement for the Oscar's nominee's will be held today! What a great way to get excited about Oscar Night America. There is no better place to watch  the Live Oscars than at the AMC Mainstreet 6 theater...Feel like you are in the front row in Hollywood.

Our event starts at 6:00pm on  Sunday, February 27th , 2011. Host Larry Moore will be there to recognize our Stars of Kansas City.

Buy your ticket now at http://www.varietykc.org/.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A "Royal" Weekend

Variety had a Royal weekend.
We started early Saturday morning with a booth at Royals FanFest! The Overland Park Convention Center was  transformed into a "Disney World type" experience for Kansas City Royals fans and players.

Variety's Children Charity of KC introduced our new Mascot....It was a huge hit and kid magnet. So many people wanted pictures with the Variety Heart  Mascot......One little girl hugged the heart and said..... "I love you heart". We met wonderful people and encouraged them to run or walk in the Royals 5K this September. The proceeds will benefit Royals Charities and Variety Children's Charity of KC.

Our booth drew in alot of fun loving kids...We had a bubble machine, baseball Home Run game and lots of prizes. We had some Variety kids attend  the event and we were able to get them up close to some of their favorite players.  That was fun to see. We also made friends with the Overland Park Police Captain and his crew...They wore Variety Gold Heart Pins to show their support of our mission!
Our Variety High School volunteers are amazing......Jon, Sommer, Julia, Maggie, Abby, Julia, Sarah and Jillian. We also had Young Variety volunteers participate...Gene and Karen and Variety Volunteer..Tina....(It does take a village!) I am so impressed that students have the drive to give back to the communities they live. It is character building experience.

I had the unbelievable pleasure to meet Dan and Penny Glass. (actually bumped into them) What an honor to be able to thank them in person for their support and belief in Variety's mission. I am in awe of their philanthropic heart that gives back to our community...especially to the kids in Kansas City that need assistance...Like our Variety kids. They use their lives to make a difference and change the lives of others.
What could be more rewarding than leaving a legacy of giving?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Making wishes come true...

Variety's Board had many requests for funding this month.

So glad we can help Demetrius get a wheelchair ramp for his van. He is a wonderful 15 year old boy that suffers with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. He is getting too big to lift, and now... Mom can push him in his wheelchair into the van so he can get around easier.

I have the honor of letting this family know their burden to fiance the ramp has been lifted.

We also granted little 8 year old Alyssa, the adaptive bike she needs. Alyssa's therapist thinks this will help her benefit by engaging her gross motor skills...And I hope she will to have some fun too! Alyssa has Rett Syndrome and has a very supportive and encouraging mother. I know she loves American Girl Dolls...Maybe I'll see about a basket for the bike so her doll can come with her.

The board also granted the wish of the last payment of a motorized wheelchair for sweet 10 year old Noah.
Noah relies on a power chair because of Freeman-Sheldon syndrome. These necessary wheelchairs are unbelievable expensive...Close to $30,000. It seems so unfair that something so mandatory has to be so expensive.  When I told Noah's mom of our approval of funds...she was so grateful  like all families that are offered help for children.

Look what Noah's mom wrote on Facebook.....The Young Variety Club of Kansas City! If you know anyone involved with this group, give them a great big hug from Noah. They have agreed to pay almost $4,000 towards Noah's new wheelchair. If you don't know anyone, check them out on FB and leave them a message letting them know how much this is appreciated, and what it means to Noah! He will be able to stand up by himself in this chair :) AMAZING!!!!!

All the hard work, endless hours and countless times sharing our mission with strangers...pays off on a day like today!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Matching Gift Companies...Help your gift grow!

Matching Gifts from Kansas City Companies
Below is a list of companies that offer a charitable Matching Gift Programs.
If your company is listed below, you can increase the value of your gift to Variety-The Children's Charity by obtaining a matching gift form from your Human Resources Department and mailing it to us at the address below with your donation.
If you have already made your gift, you can mail the matching gift form separately. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Every little bit helps Kansas City kids in need.

Variety -The Children's Charity of Greater Kansas City.P.O. Box 3446 Shawnee, KS 66203

3COM Corporation
3M Corporation
AAA Auto Club
Abbott Laboratories
ADM Foundation
Adobe Systems, Inc.
Aetna, Inc.
Alco Standard Foundation
Allied Signal Foundation
American Century Companies, Inc.
American Express Company
Ameristar Casinos
Andrews McMeel Universal
AON Corporation
Apple Computers
Arco Foundation
ARMCO Foundation
Assurant Employee Benefits
AT&T Corporation
Atlantic Richfield
Auto Club of MO
Avon Products, Inc.
Bank of America Corporation
Banta Corporation
Beatrice Companies
BellSouth Corporation
The Black & Decker Corporation
Blockbuster, Inc.
Blue Bell, Inc.
The Boeing Company
Bonneville Broadcast
The Brinks Company
The Brown Shoe Company, Inc.
Bunge Corporation
Burlington North America, Inc.
Burns & McDonnell
Butler Manufacturing Company
CarMax Auto Superstore, Inc.
Caterpillar, Inc.
CertainTeed Corporation
The Charles Schwab Corporate Foundation
Chevron Texaco Corporation
Chicago Title Corporation
Chubb Group of Insurance Companies
CIGNA Corporation
Cingular Wireless
Circuit City Stores, Inc.
Cisco Systems
Citgo Petroleum Corporation
The Clorox Company
Coach, Inc.
The Coca-Cola Company
Colgate-Palmolive Company
Commerce BancShares, Inc.
Commercial Federal Corporation
Computer Associates
Continental Group Foundation
Corning Incorporated
Costco Wholesale Corporation
Countrywide Financial Corporation
Deluxe Check Printers
Deluxe Corporation
Deutsche Bank America
Digital Foundation
Dow Corning Corporation
DST Systems Inc.
Eli Lilly and Company
Emerson Electric Company
Energizer Holdings, Inc.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car Co.
Equitable Life Assurance
Esmark Foundation
Exxon Corporation
Federated Department Stores, Inc.
Fireman’s Fund Insurance Foundation
Ford Foundation
Franklin Quest
Fuji Photo Film, U.S.A., Inc.
Gannett Foundation
Gap, Inc.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
GEICO Corporation
General Electric Co.
General Mills Corporation
Georgia Pacific Corporation
Gerber Products Company
The Gillette Company
GMAC Commercial Mortgage Corporation
Goodrich Corporation
Google, Inc.
H&R Block, Inc.
H.J. Heinz Company
Hallmark Cards, Inc.
Harrah's Entertainment, Inc.
Hartford Insurance Company
Hewlett-Packard Company
Home Depot
Honda of America Manufacturing, Inc.
H.R. Williams Mill Supply
Humana, Inc.
IBM Corporation
Illinois Tool Works
Ivy Labs
The J.P. Morgan Chase Foundation
John Hancock Financial Services
Johnson & Johnson
Johnson Controls, Inc.
Jostens, Inc.
Kansas City Life Insurance Co.
Kansas City Power & Light
Kansas City Southern
Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Muriel McBrien Kauffman Foundation
W. K. Kellogg Foundation
Kemper Mutual Funds
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kmart Corporation
Labconco Corporation
Land O'Lakes, Inc.
Lee Company
Levi Strauss & Co.
Lexmark International, Inc.
Libbey, Inc.
Thomas J. Lipton Foundation
Liz Claiborne
Loews Corporation
Lucent Technologies
Marine Midland Bank
Mass Mutual Financial Group
MasterCard International, Inc.
Mattel, Inc.
The May Department Stores Company
Maytag Corporation
Mazda North America, Inc.
McDonald's Corporation
The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
Mercantile Bankshares Corporation
Mercedes-Benz U.S. International, Inc.
Merck & Co., Inc.
Meredith Corporation
Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
Microsoft Corporation
Milton Bradley Company
Mitsubishi International Corporation
MMI Companies
Mobil Foundation
Monsanto Company
Morton International
Motorola Inc.
Murphy Oil Corporation
Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
National Starch & Chemical
NEC Laboratories American, Inc
The Neiman Marcus Group, Inc.
New York Stock Exchange Foundation, Inc.
The New York Times Company
Newsweek, Inc.
NFL National Football League
Nike, Inc.
Nissan North America, Inc.
Norfolk Southern Corporation
Northwestern Mutual Life Foundation
Novartis Corporation
Olin Corporation
Olympus America, Inc.
Palm, Inc.
Panera Bread Company
Panhandle Eastern Corporation
Pella Corporation
PepsiCo, Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Pitney Bowes Inc.
Polaroid Foundation
PPG Industries
PQ Corporation
Procter & Gamble
Progressive Corporation
Prudential Financial
Quaker Oats Foundation
Qualcomm Inc.
Quest Diagnostics, Incorporated
R.H. Donnelley Corporation
RadioShack Corporation
Ralston Purina Company
Random House, Inc.
RBC Dain Rauscher
The Reader's Digest Association, Inc.
Roche Diagnostics Corporation
Rolex Watch U.S.A., Inc.
Root Laboratory
Safeco Insurance Company
Sallie Mae
Santa Fe Pacific Foundation
Sara Lee Foundation
SBC Communications Inc.
Sentry Insurance Foundation
Sony USA Foundation Inc.
Sprint Corporation
St. Paul Travelers Companies
Stanley Works Foundation
Starbucks Corporation
State Farm Companies
State Street Bank and Trust Company
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Susquehanna International Group, LLP
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
Tandy Corporation
Tension Envelope Corporation
Tetley USA Inc.
Texas Instruments, Inc.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Time Warner Inc.
Tompkins Corporation
Toys R Us
Transamerica Corporation
Travelers Express Company, Inc./MoneyGram International
Tyco International
UBS Unilever United States, Inc.
Union Pacific Corporation
United Parcel Service of America, Inc.
United States Cellular Corporation
United Technologies Corporation
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Vanguard Group, Inc.
VF Corporation
VML, Inc.
Wachovia Bank
Washington Mutual, Inc.
The Washington Post Company
Waters Corporation
Westinghouse Electric
Whirlpool Corporation
The Williams Companies, Inc.
WMX Technologies
Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company
Yahoo, Inc.
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Oscar Night America -Tickets on sale now!

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Monday, January 17, 2011

Today Is A Day Like No Other....

Do you ever have those days were everything you need...gets done?
Today was one of those days..Everyone I needed help from came through with flying colors...I am blessed!
Morning Check List:
  • Board meeting in the morning and Shawnee Copy Center had everything ready by 7:00am. (check) 
  • Mike Winne volunteered to create our Oscar Night America Invitations (check)
  • Sent Invitation to the Academy for approval (check)
  • Getting PSA tagged at the end for TV 9 and videos looped together for Beer for Bikes (check)
  • Got Royals 5K flyer from Brocton Creative Group for FanFest this weekend-sent for approval (check)
  • Wrote newsletter for January (check)
  • Received press release for Young Variety anniversary (check)
  • Started Krispy Kreme- Donate for Donuts campaign (check)
  • Lining up volunteers for this Saturday Fan Fest (check)
  • Sent Congratulations to Cathy Clay for her first day on the job at Alice 102 (check)
  • Got help reducing a quote for an adaptive bike for a sweet child in need (check)
  • Watched new Young Variety Video 4 times at http://www.beerforbikes.com/ (check)
  • Got my new Blog on the Variety Web site (check ,check)
and all before noon....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Kansas City Royals Fan Fest

Variety will be at the Fan Fest on Saturday to talk about our mission of mobility, to play games with the kids and talk about the Royals 5K....Lot of volunteers to help us. Hope to see everyone at the FANFEST!

Friday, January 14, 2011

What a week....many small miracles!

Young Variety was just asked to be the benefactor of the Kansas City Auto Show preview Happy Hour Event...This is huge. Our charity will be able to host a party to preview this amazing one of a kind automobile experience.

The Auto Show has every car you could dream of on display to view and we get to host the preview....Then Variety will get to present an adaptive bike to a lucky child at the show on Saturday

Mark Moberly, The president of Young Variety was on TV 41 at noon to promote the Beer for Bikes Event...He ROCKED. After his segment aired tickets sold like hotcakes! The event is the second year and we hopefully will have a sell out crowd. Tickets on sale at www.beerforbikes.com.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Jillian Micheals

Saw the Beer for Bikes preview video. I am in awe at the talent that Young People have..The creative process of pulling time and talents together and watching the magic in the outcome in so inspiring.

Spoke to Jillian Micheals company about the video series for special need people. They are meeting with Kyle Maynard to  coordinate efforts.  Go to : kyle-maynard.com. Watch to see and be inspired by this amazing Young Man. Hopefully Variety  International will help with this worth while project...Everyone wants to move and feel good about themselves..Dream Big!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Young Variety new video....

We filmed the new "Beer for Bikes" video today with Brockton Creative Group (they truly are  the most CREATIVE people ever...) It was so much fun. One of the Young Variety volunteers said " Can we do this every SATURDAY?" ...and I agree. To use your time creatively with  people  that have giving hearts is such a wonderful experience and a great way to spend your day.

Can't wait to see how it turns out...

Ordered the New Variety Mascot costume...can hardly wait for it's arrival . I need a name for it let me know if you have any suggestions....http://www.beerforbikes.com/

Friday, January 7, 2011

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Like a wheel

Life, like a wheel, goes around…and around…

A few years ago Variety was able to assist a young man named Zechariah. Zac is fully enjoying life, including his youth football team, which includes him (in his wheelchair) on the field for introductions during games. He’s an important part of the team and he loves it.

This year the team collected funds for a coach’s gift, but it was decided to gift Zac instead.  In “pay it forward” style, Zac’s family donated the money back to Variety as a thank you for the help received in the past.

Circle of life, circle of care and love.

Ironically, I recently was shopping at the plaza and saw a little boy in a wheelchair.  I introduced myself and gave the father my card, telling him that Variety is here if they would ever need help.

I found out later that it was Zac and his father!  Zac’s mother called to share the “small world” moment.  Is it a small world, or is it just proof positive that what goes around, comes around? 

Let’s keep the wheels turning for those in need,


Full circle...


  • Amy Krouse Rosenthal accepted me as her friend on facebook!
  • Think I found a Heart Shaped Variety mascot for all our events.
  • Met with the Auto Show Dealers Association organizers about an awesome Happy Hour Red Carpet VIP Preview event. (Full circle: Last year our ONA event I met a nice hardworking man from Harvest Production, Greg Turcotte and remembered him and his little boy Mikea. He now works at the Convention Center and remembered me. He is going to put together an amazing light display for our DJ for the Happy hour. Put Eric DJ Coomb up on a 4 foot display and surround him in cool lights.) 
  • The Kansas City Royals called to invite us to the Royals Fan Fest!!! I need a mascot!
  • Tim McCoy has finished the beer for Bikes invitation, web site, facebook page and now is working on a great video for utube that we will film tomorrow .... Sent in an application for him to win  a volunteer award year...)
  • Sent Thank you's to all the people who purchased Beer for Bike Tickets...
  • Everyone that we helped on Beer for Bikes last year...bought a sponsorship this year!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Jillian Micheals...

Went on the Jillian Michael's Cruise in October with my sister...Loved it!  I met Giancarlo and told him about Variety and serving special need children. He told me that that was a huge interest to he and Jillian to develop exercises for that audience...Giancarlo told me he would have jhis assistant reach out to me to discuss further.

I followed up with an email to Jillian's publicist....to my surprise I received a call from Jillian assistant, Daniel. they are working with Kyle Maynard. (Very cool man and motivational speaker). I put him in touch with Variety International and we invited Empowered media or any representative to our international convention in Chicago...

Variety International sent a ;lovely email offering to help with this project anyway we can....Put it oput there and see what the Universe does with it......

Everyday...do something for someone esle and see what happens...

Remembered my favorite book by Amy Krouse Rosenthal, "The Encyclopdiea of an Ordinary Life".
Her new project is a movie called the "Beckoning of Lovely: it will debut on 11/11/11 . It is a wonderful collaborative film on what Lovely means and that even the smallest of acts can have a lovely outcome. I emailed her to see what I could do in Kansas City to help her....  http://www.thebeckoningoflovely.com/

Will see what happens...I encourage you to watch what happened in Chicago on 9/9/09 and 10/10/10....LOVELY!